Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Preserving Memories

Last week I helped a friend do a scrapbook of her past year here in Asia. She travels quite a bit for work. She will be home visiting friends and family for the summer and so I helped her put together her memories of the past few months. It was fun to help her but also to look at the pictures and remember trips, people, even food.

I also spent some time working on a scrapbook for my father-in-law who turns 80 this year. He sent me an envelope of pictures quite a number of them were from the 1920's or 1930's. I had fun putting them together into a book that he will be able to look at and enjoy.

I also work to keep current on family events and also things happening in K's life. I have recorded our travels this year, visits to various museums, the markets (I love markets), and many other events. I enjoy the creative outlet. Some pages come together and I love the way they look and other pages are just there recording a memory, place or event.

To me it is important to preserve these memories. Living overseas we see and experience so many things that we do want to remember them. In my book from our last city, I have pictures of the "big green store", the "green tablecloth restaurant", my grocery stores, and so many other memories. We can't remember everything. I think one of the funny things that I did there were all the convenience stores. We lived in the city and had a convenience store on every corner and in between. There were different stores 7-11, The Family Mart, the Smiley store (that was what we called), and a few others.

We are preparing to go on a short vacation later this week. I have been doing some reading to understand the history of where we will be going and also getting my cameras ready. Yes, I will take both my digital and my 35mm film. I still have one and love it.

Can't wait to see what memories we will make during this trip.

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